DME Tuning is an Automotive Tuning Company that provides engine tuning software to automotive adrenaline junkies with cutting-edge technology. We are confident that we help our clients feel empowered and limitless. Let's go faster...
OBD tunes allow customers to simply plug in a cable and upgrade their ECU. We will ship you our DME cable and provide personal assistance from one of our staff members.
DME Tuning Provides:
Tunes for specific octane.
Check Engine Light removal for downpipes (off-road use only)
Top speed limiter removal.
Extend or Add Burble.
All of the options available for your tune will be discussed when our staff members are assisting you.
Factory 500HP and 480TQ
Stage 1 620HP and 640TQ
Stage 2 640HP and 660TQ
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